Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Pro-Life Woman Arrested For Praying Silently Outside Abortion Center -

Pro-Life Woman Arrested For Praying Silently Outside Abortion Center - The U.K. March for Life director was recently arrested after police found her praying silently outside of an abortion clinic, according to a press release by Alliance Defending Freedom U.K. Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, a charity volunteer and Christian, was approached by police officers on Dec. 6 outside of BPAS Robert Clinic in Birmingham, England, and asked […]

This is an example why we have to keep our Ukrainian ally in our prayers. U.K. March for Life director & Christian Isabel Vaughan-Spruce was arrested for silently praying outside a BPAS Robert Clinic in Birmingham, England. Ms. Vaughan was not protesting she was just praying quietly. The woman targeted because is Pro-Life and a Christian. Ms. Vaughan is there to support women who suffered consequences from effects of having abortions. 

I believe if Ms. Vaughan was a Pro-abortion and a non-Christian she wouldn't have been targeted or arrested. Praying silently to yourself is not grounds for arrest nor being targeted ever. The is a spiritual battle between good and evil. 

UK President Volodymyr Zelenskky came to Washington DC tonight and gave a profound speech that was about a little over thirty minutes long. The message is simple, we have to continue to help our ally because the UK is our ally. During the challenging times when Russia was at war with the UK, the UK wanted the US to help combat Russian troops with armed airplanes. President Zelenskky believe that his country is victorious because an exhausted Russian President Vladimir Putin couldn't conquer the UK. The whole ordeal that woman went through getting arrested for praying is why we have to continue to 🙏 for our allies like the UK. That is all for shared articles on free speech on all topics, keep an eye out for more blogs like this. God Bless You!

Friday, December 9, 2022

Could Joe Manchin decide to switch from Democrat and become an Independent like Kyrsten Sinema?

 The Georgia 2022 runoff that saw Democratic Senator Raphael Warnock be installed Senator for a 6-year term to give the Democrats a 51-49 slim majority lead in the Senate left one big question mark. Apparently that didn't bode well for Democratic Senator of Arizona Kyrsten Sinema. Senator Sinema changed from Democrat and registered as an Independent. Senator Sinema said her decision was based on the results of the Georgia runoff. Senator Sinema says she will not caucus with Republicans but will still caucus with her Democratic party that she left. 

The question❓ is could Joe Manchin, Democratic Senator of West Virginia change from Democrat and register as an Independent like Senator Sinema has done? Senator Manchin & Senator Sinema have both voted against their party to prevent Biden from signing a bill or bills in the past. Could the same 2 viewed as Moderate Democrats do the same thing? Both Senator Manchin and Senator Sinema would be up for re-election in the 2024 General Election. This would be one last chance for these 2 Democrats to help save our country from complete collapse from terrible policies that the Biden Administration is proposing.

This could happen and it is not really farfetched. Senator Sinema liked a 50-50 Senate split. The 50-50 Senate split allowed resolutions to be passed when it was a 50-50 tie when Democrat back bills or Republican back bills that would either lead to Kamala breaking the tie to send a Democrat bill to Biden's desk to be signed into law or Kamala Harris striking down a Republican back bill. Senator Sinema also changed to be an Independent because only partisan proposals will be brought up in bills from the Senate Democrat majority. This is enough of a reason for Joe Manchin to bolt from the Democratic party and decide to register as an Independent. Just a thought. 🤔 That is all for free speech on all topics, till next time keep an eye out for more blogs like this. God Bless You!

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Deep Red Georgia now a toss-up state


Last night's Georgia runoff race was evidently clear that GA is now a toss-up state. Georgia normally red in 2020 rigged their general election to install Democrat Senators Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff in GA. This was courtesy of RINO Governor Brian Kemp, RINO Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, and a big help from Stacey Abrams. There was obvious level of massive voter fraud in the peach state, but no special session was called nor was there any forensic audit like Arizona did when massive voter fraud occurred in the general election there, too. Kemp, Raffensperger, and Abrams let the voter fraud be "swept under the rug." 

GA once again, normally a reliable red state, went blue again by installing incumbent Democratic Senator Raphael Warnock again for re-election in the 2022 midterm election giving him a 6-year term. Kemp, Raffensperger, and Abrams once again allowed the 2020 general election voter fraud to be buried. Kemp, Raffensperger, and Abrams sure seem to be on the same page when it comes to rigging elections in GA to help Democrats get in public office. Had Georgia known that Kemp would have turned out to be a RINO, I don't think that Kemp would have won in the Republican primary in 2018, I believe that GA would have nominated a more favorable candidate. In fact, Kemp was in 6th place out of all the 6 Republicans that vied for the Republican nominee for Governor. With the endorsement of President Trump, Kemp went from last place to Republican nominee to Governor elect in 2018. President Trump mentions the endorsement regrets that he has done and endorsing Brian Kemp for Governor was one of President Trump's regrets. 

The only red wave that happened in the 2022 midterms were in Florida, Ohio, Iowa, etc. Florida is no longer considered a swing state, it is now solid red, and you can say the same about the Buckeye state of Ohio. The thing you have to question is why would RINOs want to work with Democrats to try and help sabotage election wins for the GOP? Well, it's simple, they beg President Trump for his endorsement like Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, and Ronna McDaniel did. Then they act like they are going to help the GOP flip heavily blue districts in blue states. The moment there is bickering among RINOs and MAGA Republicans the aforementioned RINOS who got in leadership decide that they will not fund money for MAGA Republicans. Now you have a rift and divided Republican party calling for Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, and Ronna McDaniel to be ousted from GOP leadership positions because they are responsible for the GOP underachieving in 2018, 2020, and 2022. Well, I will leave it at that. That is all for free speech on all topics, till next time keep an eye out for more blogs like this. God Bless You!

Trying to get over the heated argument I had with my now deceased brother Troy

 For those of you who had brothers whether younger or older than you, us brothers argue, fight, and it may take 2 weeks-till a month for us ...