Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Free Speech and Expression

 I can truly say that free speech and expression is vital and important today. I first created free speech on all topics back in April of 2022 because I thought it was important to express my experiences being on message boards and social media. First off, I started off on message boards back in 2004. I was on Yahoo NBA basketball and NFL football message boards from 2004-2006. Like social media there were trolls on message boards. People would use their email handle to post comments and create threads. Haters were encouraged to create a section talking bad about a basketball team or football team that they disliked. This experience became a toxic experience when more and more haters would post on threads on the message boards.

Secondly, I would go from the sports message boards to the American Idol message board from 2006-2007. The threads were different and different users would post on threads about their favorite American Idol contestants from Seasons 1-6. In message boards, people used avatars of pics of their favorite Idol contestants or their own pics and used a handle name of their choice. Haters would come on there and troll around on the AI message boards. Whenever anyone was on the AI message boards, they were told not to reply to trolls on there or their accounts would be suspended or banned like the trolls. Whenever anyone got banned on AI message boards, he or she had to have one of their friends write an email to the CEO to get them reinstated. I've done that for a hand full of my friends who was sent to "banned camp" on the message boards. 

In 2007, I was introduced to Myspace from a friend who was on the American Idol message boards, who I chatted with because message boards became very toxic at that point. People began to lose interest on the message boards and message boards started to implode. Myspace became popular, when I was at Capital Community college in 2005. A lot of classmates at Capitol Student News (CSN) was bragging about how cool Myspace was at the time. I was very reluctant to go on Myspace because, I was still on message boards at that time, and I heard about how people's accounts were phished and hacked on Myspace. The big difference between message boards and social media is that you can't see a person when they spew out hatred because they use avatars and handle names on message boards. On social media for the most part, people use their own pics. If you say something on social media, you are very likely going to eventually run into someone face-to-face that you had spewed hatred towards more than if you were on message boards. Nowadays, people hide behind a computer screen because they would be afraid to confront the person face-to-face that they had the "beef" with.  

I was on Myspace, and it was a whole lot different from message boards. There were music bands, couples, singles, single couples, and on your Myspace page you can create a layout, music, about me, who you would like to meet, heroes, TV, and movies, etc., and everyone was excited whenever they would see a green light on anyone's name who was on the social media site. Tom Anderson was the President of Myspace at the time, and he was part of the welcoming committee, and you would automatically become friends with Tom. Myspace started to go downhill after Tom sold it in 2010. Myspace had less layouts to choose from and Myspace started to become restricted. I eventually deleted my Myspace account in 2012 after the up-and-coming site became like Google+ and a music band bought Myspace and made Myspace unusable. I briefly got Myspace back in 2013 and after one year, I noticed the once enjoyable social media site became trash and not worth being on anymore.

In 2011, I started blogging about my experiences when I signed up on blogger from 2011-2012. I signed up on and created an account from 2012-2016. I went back to blogger in 2017. I signed up on Tumblr in 2016-present and started blogging from 2018-2022 when I created a secondary on it. I have created a Weebly account from 2019-present. I'm now back on blogger from 2022-present. I've had a rocky experience on message boards, social media, and going through creating websites when other free websites changed their guidelines. I went on Twitter from 2011-2012, from 2012-2013, and from 2013-2021. I went on Facebook from 2010-2011 and 2014-2021, and lastly, I went on Instagram from 2019-2022. There is so much to say about how rocky Twitter, FB, and Instagram was that I couldn't even begin to tell it all in this blog. However, those social media sites became so toxic that I had to permanently delete my accounts for good. Well, that's all for free speech on all topics till next time, keep an eye out for more blogs like this. God Bless You!

Trying to get over the heated argument I had with my now deceased brother Troy

 For those of you who had brothers whether younger or older than you, us brothers argue, fight, and it may take 2 weeks-till a month for us ...