Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Reinstated on Tumblr

I'm not sure how to react to be reinstated on Tumblr. I emailed support to address the issue on why my account was terminated on Friday April 22. I got a reply saying that it was Tumblr abuse. I was reinstated on Monday April 25 on the micro blogging social media. I'm being very careful because not everyone who plead to be reinstated from support get reinstated. I had a similar situation on another social media site Vimeo about 3 years ago. 

I was on their video site which is somewhat similar to YouTube. I had the basic Vimeo account that was for free. For 3 years, I would upload videos and there were no problems. Then I started to get follows and likes on Vimeo and people liked my videos that I uploaded. Vimeo seemed like they were okay with it at the time. Until one evening back in November of 2019, Vimeo suspended my account. Vimeo suspended my account for about 5 times that evening. All but one video was deleted, which was my very first video that I recorded from my MP4 player which I uploaded to YouTube. Vimeo permanently terminated my account and say that I violated their rules of copyright infringement. 

For 3 years Vimeo didn't have a problem with copied videos and didn't think it was copyright infringement at the time. Vimeo for whatever their reason decided to make an example out of me and terminated my account without warning after 3 years of being on the social media video site. I only signed up for Vimeo as a backup or perhaps a replacement to YouTube in case I decided to delete YouTube. In a way, I'm kind of glad that I didn't delete YouTube because I wouldn't have had anymore video social media site.

Now getting back to Tumblr reinstating me. Being reinstated only means you get a 2nd chance to post on the site. You can still get terminated from social media if they feel they don't want you on their social media site. For a person, who felt wronged I can't feel comfortable posting on a site that reinstated me because they could do it again and then I would feel like I felt when Vimeo terminated my account. Be very careful what you write and post on social media. What you say can come back to haunt you even if you feel like you didn't do anything wrong. I learned that the hard way when Vimeo permanently terminated my account. I'm reinstated on Tumblr but I don't plan to blog on the micro blogging website too much anyone. Just thought I would get that off of my chest y'all. Till next time I will be posting more blogs like this. God Bless You!

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