Saturday, May 28, 2022

What's happened to the church?


What's happened to the church? A lot of pastors have gone away from traditional teachings that once made the church a place for sinners and back-sliders to give their life to Jesus Christ and re-dedicate their life to Jesus Christ. I started to observe some of the changes when I went to Shiloh Christian Church from 1987-1988 in Hartford, where church was 3 1/2 hours long. Service started at 10AM and church service let out at 1:30PM (too long to be in any church service). They served smiley face cookies with the creme in the middle, apple juice, orange juice, grape juice, and whatever refreshments that were available. Sunrise services have refreshments after their little one-hour service every Easter Sunday from 5AM-6AM. You can fellowship with one another after service.

The church has become like a picnic nowadays. Just drop by and get credit for coming. Coffee and donuts in the kitchen, help yourself! Tell a friend about the church picnic that you attended. Everyone gossips like they are at work. I'm used to people gossiping because that is the norm. There is a such thing as a good gossip and a rumor gossip. A good gossip is what you tell your friends about a message that you or anyone you know heard in church that hit close to home for you or them. A rumor gossip is what you heard in church that was not good about a pastor, member, usher, etc., and instead of praying for the pastor, member, usher, you or someone you know spread the not so good rumor gossip about them. Stuff like this have been happening in churches for many years. With that being said, for the most part the preacher or preachers of that particular church or churches never abandoned the traditional biblical teachings.

Being in church since I was 2 months old and being a born-again Christian since age 5, I've observed a lot of good, bad, and in between in churches. June 5 will be 39 years since I gave my life to Jesus Christ and accepted him as my Lord and Savior. A lot of that rumor gossip go on much worse than it did back in the 80's and 90's. The one thing that has been ignored that has happened no matter in Denominational or Non-Denominational churches is children and teenagers who have been sexually abused in churches. Now it's being "brought to light." We can talk about and list all the things that went wrong in churches from their biblical teachings or lack of biblical teachings. In order for anyone to want to have trust in the church they have to address things that is going on in the church before it leaks out for everyone to read or hear. With that being said, tell the truth about your mission statement and ministry. The more a ministry or ministries deceive people, the less likely people will believe or want to support that ministry or ministries. 

Beware of false prophets! 2 Peter 2:1-3 King James Version (KJV) "But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth be spoken evil of. And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgement now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not." 

The church has failed in a major way in the 2020 US Presidential election. A lot of the preachers were silent about speaking out against homosexuality as a sin, abortion as murder, and government assistance as abusing the system. The church willfully was silent and didn't do their part to preach about the platform of the Republican and Democratic parties. The church was silent about the massive voter fraud that took place in the 2020 US presidential election. A lot of the church people are hurting because instead of trusting in God, they trusted in man, and they assumed that by not praying that the same outcome was going to happen in like it did in 2016, no matter how hard the Democrats rigged the 2020 election and the 2 Georgia Senate seats. Now more people are uncovering the truth about the rigged 2020 election in the movie 2,000 mules.

Lastly, the more the church continues to be silent at what is going on in their circle, the more problems they will have leading sinners and back-sliders to Jesus Christ. The church is a building where people come together and have service, offering, and the preacher teaching the word of God. After service there is altar calls for those who want to be saved and re-dedicate their life to Jesus. If anyone would like to give their testimony or praise report what the Lord has done that is optional after they close the service with prayer. Then people can fellowship with one another. If there is a need or prayer request, usually people will pray with one another. Most churches usually have church events that have food and refreshments. It's all about being Christlike and being a "light unto the world." That is all for today, till next time keep an eye out for more free speech on all topics on future blog posts. God Bless you & Happy Memorial Day!

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Will the media acknowledge how wrong they are 99% of the time?


You ever turn on the news and find out that their coverage of stories are horrible? Well, today's mainstream media is referred to as the "enemy of the people." Today's mainstream media lacks the skills of what good journalists are. The mainstream media continues to rehash mass shootings over and over and over and over again to where it inspires lunatics to do their own mass shooting. The anniversary of Columbine high school in Littleton, CO back in 1999 started it all. A good journalist would not rehash something that was so tragic for families who have lost loved ones in mass shootings. If the mainstream media wasn't so tone deaf, they would acknowledge that they are the ones who are misinformation spreaders. Most people want to at least watch a good journalist or journalists for 30 minutes on the following news outlets: CBS, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, CNN, etc., but they have to listen to gibberish opinion pieces which no one want to hear from the news commentators nor do they care to hear.

President Trump is 1,000% correct when he calls out the "Fake News" for what they truly are. That's why the news ratings will continue to plummet until they can get people that will at least report actual news. We have heard about the Buffalo, NY mass shooting and Ulvade, TX elementary school mass shooting. The mainstream media continues to cover those like Sandy Hook elementary school mass shooting and Columbine high school mass shooting. Once again we have a "rehearsed outrage" from the left and they continue to blame gun store owners and the NRA for the problems instead of placing the blame where it truly belongs. It's Democratic Governors, Democratic Mayors, Democratic Senators, Democratic Congressmen, and Democratic Congresswomen in Democratic run cities that's the problem, because they want to defund the police and want to take the concealed weapons away from law abiding citizens.  I mentioned in a last blog post about why strict background checks and gun control won't and don't work. 

The mainstream media prove every time that they can't share a story without giving their opinion pieces. Journalists from what I remember, would report a story and wouldn't give their opinion regardless of their political party affiliation. If today's mainstream media wouldn't politicize everything, people may find them credible again. As long as the mainstream media, left wing Democrats, and RINOs continue to ignore the truth and spread misinformation, they will continue to be the news that lacks substance.

Lastly, continue to watch, listen to, and even read on the internet trustworthy news that you think is wonderful. Share with a friend and inspire others not to watch, listen to, and even read on the internet untrustworthy news. This is free speech on all topics and I'm here to encourage y'all to keep up the good work! I enjoy blogging and sharing my posts to all of my readers. Till next time more blogs on free speech on all topics. God Bless You!

Friday, May 20, 2022

Why gun control?

 For many years, the mainstream media focused on mass shootings as a target for gun violence. The mainstream media and Democrats believe that if there is gun control, then the mass shootings will be less. "Nothing can be further from the truth." It's proven that when you restrict law abiding citizens who are licensed to carry a concealed weapon or weapons with background checks that there is likely to be more mass shootings. Heavily blue districts and blue states have such a spike in crime because the policies that say, "we will pass a law stating, you must pass a background check in order to own and carry a concealed weapon." Well, Columbine high school in Littleton, CO happened when 2 high school students opened fire at a library killing 12 students and 1 teacher in April of 1999. The 2 students turned the gun on themselves and killed themselves. During that time, the media didn't try to politicize the mass shooting, nor did the media try to focus on the suspects involved in this mass shooting.  The mainstream media would focus on Columbine and would bring up what led to Columbine when other mass shootings happened after Columbine. Virginia tech shooting took place in April of 2007 in Blacksburg, VA, where 33 were killed when a student opened fire and the student turned the gun on himself and killed himself. Till this day, the mainstream media talks about the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting in Newtown, CT that took place in December of 2012 when a shooter opened fire killing 20 first grade students and 6 teachers. The shooter then turned the gun on himself and killed himself. The same shooter also killed his mom because his mom had firearms at the house that the shooter lived in prior to the shooter going to the school. 

What all of these mass murders have in common were red flags of ignored warnings. The Columbine shooters came from a single parent home where their parents recently divorced, they wanted to know how many Christians were there at the school library before they opened fire as a form of a hate crime. The Virginia tech shooter was tormented, ridiculed, hated Christians, bullied, and he was anti-social. The Sandy Hook shooter was tormented, ridiculed, and socially detached. When there are warning signs and they're being ignored, then sadly a lot of innocent lives are lost. The heinous crimes happened when liberals want to have strict gun laws in their Democratic run cities. They want to defund the police instead of funding the police. 

The things that liberal Democrats and the mainstream media should focus on why the 2A is needed in schools, malls, churches, movies, etc., where there were mass shootings. A law-abiding citizen or citizens having a concealed weapon or weapons makes a difference from saving or losing lives. A non-law-abiding citizen is not going to care about strict gun laws because if they're intent is to kill, he or she will use any weapon that they have whether gun, knife, machete, bomb, etc. Strict gun control laws are not going to prevent shootings. Security of armed guards, armed police officers, and law-abiding citizens, who carry concealed weapons can help prevent shootings.  The world would be a much safer place in those heavily blue Democratic districts in blue states if they beef up the security. 

Lastly, I'm a Pro 2A from a blue state. My area where I'm from is blue because I'm in the northern part of CT. The southern part of CT is red. I believe that any law-abiding citizen should be able to protect their family, their self, and property by any means necessary. If he or she have a concealed weapon and they feel that they need to use it to stop an intruder from breaking in their house or even an armed intruder for trying to kill them or their family, then use it. That is all for free speech on all topics, till next time keep an eye out for more blogs like this. God Bless You!

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Not all teachers nor parents are for common core, critical race theory, or transgenderism


A good education is important and is vital in order to be successful in life. Common core, critical race theory, and transgenderism is what is being indoctrinated in the public school in failing inner city run by Democratic run Governors and Mayors in blue districts in red and blue states but especially in blue states.  None of these aforementioned was taught or heard of in public school when I was growing up in the 80's and 90's when I was in elementary and high school. The teachers and parent's relationship were much tighter back then, too. The public school system is dumbing down the education to the point where they have done away with cursive writing, done away with the 3 R's, (Reading, 'Riting, and 'Rithmetic) and nowadays changing the grades, where a student who don't do their homework assignment will automatically receive a 50 instead of a 0.

It's sad why so much of taxpayer's money go to failing public school systems. If only our money was used "for good instead of evil." It's ashamed that the teachers and parents' relationship is viewed as nonexistent today. Parents are told that they have to accept what is being taught their children at the failing public school system that their child or children attend. Teachers are told they have to teach courses the liberal way in order to keep their job. What kind of garbage is going on in public schools where the only ones that have say-so is the superintendent and teachers' unions? The more I hear about how poorly Democratic run cities run their public schools you understand why more and more parents is taking their children out of public schools. Parents are sending their children to private school and even homeschooling their children.

Children who are homeschooled and graduate from being homeschooled are more likely to succeed than those who graduated from public schools. People think it's always about the environment a person come from, but it's also about their upbringing. Whether growing up in a single parent or both parents in the household, if the child or children is not being brought up right, their upbringing could be the causing because he or she turned out doing bad things. When the child becomes old enough to know what the difference is between right and wrong then it's up to him or her to be accountable for the things that they do, whether good or bad. It's so sad that the media try to make everything about race. Anyone, no matter their background has an equal opportunity to be successful. We all make choices whether good or bad it has nothing to do with skin color. Then why do the media try to quote stats like they're the facts. When we start fact-checking the media, then we will learn how way off and bias they are.

Lastly, I use a lot of anecdotes in my writing because it makes it easier to paint a picture or pictures. Common core, critical race theory, and transgenderism is what is destroying the public school system. When you elect a Governor or Mayor who is for the 3 aforementioned, then your city and state has to deal with it and live with it until the next election cycle. Even the Congressmen, Congresswomen, and Senators in the district in your state could affect how the public-school systems are with their voting record. Till next time be on the lookout for more free speech on all topics. God Bless You!

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Democrats will try to say LGBTQ rights is the same as Traditional Interracial marriage rights


Democrats claim that they are for equality for everyone but that only applies to the LGBTQ. Democrats will try to say that LGBTQ should have the same rights as traditional marriage, especially interracial traditional marriage. The LGBTQ make up only 1%-3% of the population and the majority of the LGBTQ is not for LGBTQ rights. Now if Democrats were really for equality like they claim they are they will look at the whole picture of traditional interracial marriage. For years interracial couples of the opposite sex were denied marriage certificates and certain churches would not do weddings for couples from a different race of the opposite sex. No one is trying to shove traditional interracial marriage in the Democrats face. Yet the Democrats will shove LGBTQ marriage in everyone else's face that is not for LGBTQ marriage. 

In June of 2015, SCOTUS voted 5-4 to make homosexual marriage the law of the land. Till this day America feel that it is unconstitutional. Former Kentucky clerk Kim Davis, in a lot of people's eyes is hailed as a hero for not giving licenses to 2 men of the same sex, who wanted to get married. Kim Davis felt that her biblical beliefs and what the Bible say about same-sex marriage being an abomination to God. Kim Davis was arrested and spent 6 days in jail. Mike Huckabee posted Kim Davis's bail and Kim Davis decided to change from Democrat to Republican because her party left her "high and dry." Jack Phillips of Colorado, who is a baker, was being harassed by a gay couple who wanted him to bake them a wedding cake. Jack Phillips felt that biblically what the Bible say about same-sex marriage is a sin and he couldn't bake a cake with 2 men or 2 women on it to appeal to the LGBTQ. This case went to SCOTUS for a vote and SCOTUS voted in Phillips favor 7-2 because of his freedom of speech and freedom of choice.

Democrats will do all they can to divide America and those who is not aware of it will believe that LGBTQ should have the same rights as traditional interracial marriage. The reason SCOTUS botched up the same-sex marriage case is because a Conservative Justice that Ronald Reagan nominated for SCOTUS decided at the last minute to change his Conservative views on marriage to appeal to the LGBTQ. Antonin Scalia casted the tiebreaking vote to make same-sex marriage the law of the land in 2015. The same way Roe V. Wade will be overturned is the same way same-sex marriage will be overturned. Be prepared because later on overturning same-sex marriage being law of the land will be brought up to SCOTUS for a vote.

Democrats is not for traditional interracial marriage because if they were they would spend more time focusing on the discrimination that go on in traditional interracial marriage rather than trying to push the LGBTQ agenda that the majority of LGBTQ is not even for. Blue states will have events for the LGBTQ community and LGBTQ are more than welcome to attend functions for them. To try to push that on red states is not going to happen. No one is trying to say that LGBTQ is not loved in their community because as a Christian we are supposed to love everyone. But when we know that the LGBTQ lifestyle is a sin, then we can't accept that lifestyle as the norm as a Christian. We have to pray for them because they are experimenting in the LGBTQ lifestyle, and that they need salvation. With that being said, traditional interracial marriage is not accepted in all red states nor in all blue states. Some churches will only marry couples of the opposite sex of the same race. Sadly, some family members are not accepting of their siblings marrying of the opposite sex outside of their race.

Lastly, we need to focus on how we can bring everyone together. We can still agree to disagree and be respectful. As a former Democrat whose been an Independent for 13 years now, I didn't agree with the things that the former party that I was affiliated with believed. I'm Pro-Life and for traditional marriage (one man and one woman) whether of the same race or of a different race. Also, I'm for limited government. I live in a blue state, and I have voted Democrat 2 times and voted Republican 5 times.  You don't even want me to get into why I'm an advocate for traditional interracial marriage. I hope this shed some light on the issue. Till next time keep a look out for more free speech on all topics. God Bless You!

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

The Rigged US Presidential 2020 election

This video sums up everything about the rigged 2020 US Presidential election. I'm looking forward to watching the movie if it is livestreamed on rumble when the movie is on there. John McCain and Mitt Romney were weak candidates and none of them would have had the US Presidential elections investigated that took place in 2008 & 2012 of voter fraud. Voter fraud has been believed to have happened since 2000, but there were no proof of it at the time because there was very little evidence to overturn the outcome of the 2000 US presidential election, in other words there is no substantial evidence that could have given Bush, Jr's narrow victory to Gore in 2000. There was massive voter fraud in the 2020 US presidential election that is more than enough evidence to overturn the 2020 US presidential election. 

 I believe a pollster who have been calling elections that says that any presidential candidate who carry Ohio, Florida, North Carolina, Iowa, Texas, etc., will win their election or re-election. President Trump won those states big in 2020 and he had PA, GA, MI, AZ, NV, WI stolen from him because of Covid 19 and the 2,000 mules. Mules are unmarked ballots illegally counted and casted like real ballots to look like legitimate ballots towards a candidate that have no chance at winning a presidential election. In this case, those 6 key swing states violated their own laws and changed the rules because of Covid-19 to allow dead people to vote, inaccurate ballots to be cased, and Dominion voting machines to take away votes from President Trump and award them to Joe Biden. When Biden mentions, "We put together the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics," we know China was involved in the 2020 US presidential election because they wanted to get back at President Trump for the tariffs that President Trump hit China and then Covid hit back in November of 2019. An Asian doctor, who was only 38 had Covid and tried to leak it out but the Chinese Communist government had the doctor killed off because they didn't want that doctor to reveal the truth where Covid took place. Thankful when President Trump learned this, President Trump put a travel ban on China in December of 2019. While President Trump did that, Speaker Nancy Pelosi drafted Articles of Impeachment, which it took her 33 days to send to the Senate. We learned that Trump was acquitted with 38 voting to impeach President Trump and 42 voting not to impeach President Trump in 2020. 

 Meanwhile, President Trump introduced operation warp speed and when the naysayers and so-called experts didn't think that President would have a cure for Covid until 5 years from 2020. No matter how big the opposition to President Trump was, President Trump proved the naysayers, and the so-called experts wrong every time. With that being said, the mainstream media covered President Trump horribly throughout his 4 years in office and believed the Russia collusion delusion witch hunt which was proven that Hillary Clinton, Barrack Obama, and Joe Biden spied on President Trump and that Hillary Clinton did the Russia fake dossier. The mainstream media's lack of coverage of the truth and rumble's full coverage of the truth behind the rigged 2020 US Presidential election, is the reason why the mainstream media know that the 2020 US Presidential election was rigged and stolen from President Trump but they don't want to cover it, because they are afraid of revealing the truth behind the rigged and stolen election that they and Big Tech were involved in stealing and rigging the US presidential election for Joe Biden. 

 Lastly, a silent mainstream media, silent RINOS, and silent Leftist Democrats means that us Ultra MAGA Trump supporters continue to stand with President Trump and keeping President Trump & his family in our prayers when all of the trickery went on. We know that God would not "allow the righteous to be forsaken." The church has woken up since what happened in the 2020 US presidential election. I know that President Trump will be reinstated. It's not a matter of if or when President Trump will be reinstated back in the WH but it's a matter of the Lord's timing for that to happen. Our country is being turned upside down, but we know it means that us Christians not CINOs (Christian In Name Only) are praying for God's will to be done. In Jesus Name, AMEN! This is all for free speech on all topics, till next time God Bless You!

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Trump Supporters are Ultra MAGA


Joe Biden calls Trump supporters the most dangerous Ultra MAGA movement. I think Biden said the most wonderful compliment about Trump supporters. We are the most Ultra Make America Great Again! Then I'm a proud Ultra MAGA! The dangerous part is inaccurate, that title belongs and fits Black Lives Matter and Antifa because they are constantly rioting, causing fires to Democratic run cities such as some of the following: Portland, Minnesota, Washington State, Washington DC, Los, Angles, San Francisco, New York City, etc. We could also mention that dangerous belongs and fits with the policies under Biden and his administration.

Inflation has damaged our economy with high gas prices at gas stations and high food prices in grocery stores. Bread is expensive and a gallon of milk is expensive. Trump supporters have been called many things such as some of the following: Basket of deplorables, irredeemable, a cult, and now Ultra MAGA. I'm a proud deplorable, irredeemable, cult, and Ultra MAGA Trump supporter. Us Trump supporters love our country and supports the first and 2nd amendment. We knew we were much safer as a country under President Trump, when 45th President was in office for 4 years. 

One of the catastrophic events took place when we left Afghanistan in disgrace in 2021. In 4 years under President Trump not a single US Soldier died. The Taliban were afraid, and they knew if they attacked any of our soldiers, the leader of the Taliban and his group would "feel the wrath!" 13 US soldiers and 34 US civilians died in Afghanistan because of Biden's ineptitude, the US surrendered $85 billion dollars of US equipment. Till this day that will go down in history as one of the worst moments in US history. The southern border is open, and illegals is crossing over in hundreds of thousands. The drug cartel is at the highest and the illegals that is being brought in our country is unfathomable. Spike in crime is at the highest. The Dow is in the red at a consistent pace. It only took Biden 16 months to singlehandedly destroy our country. Our allies won't return Biden's phone calls because they know that Biden is compromised by China, Russia, and the Ukraine. Speaking of Russia and the UK, Putin invaded the UK. Putin sent Russia soldiers to surround the UK. So many casualties and too much to go into detail. Biden orchestrated the entire Russia-Ukranian war. The President of UK want armed military planes to combat Russian soldiers. Biden is only sending money to the UK. Kim Jong-un is testing nukes more regular. The most embarrassment of all is our allies and enemies have one thing in common. They know that Biden is a very weak President that no one fears. Biden thought by sanctioning Russia that Putin wouldn't occupy UK. Biden thought by leaving the US equipment, US soldiers, and US civilians that the Taliban wouldn't occupy Afghanistan. Hunter Biden is being investigated on his ties with China, Russia, and the Ukraine. Like President Trump said, our country is a disaster right now. 

Lastly, when I livestream, a rally held by President Trump, President Trump says what a real President says. The Save America rallies is what we look forward to on Saturday nights. The mainstream media spends more of their time covering things that are only worth 1% importance rather than what is going on in our country that is 99% important. The mainstream media is the enemy of the people and gives their opinion piece when covering President Trump unfairly and covers for Biden's disasters. The mainstream media only have a 30% approval rating and that's why a lot of people are turned off by the media. If you want to hear real news, then watch President Trump's Save America rallies, 10,000 or more in attendance, Biden couldn't get more than 10 in attendance at his rally. I said a mouth full and with that being said this is all for today, till next time watch out for more free speech on all topics. God Bless You!

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Roe V. Wade overturned leak


Wow, a leak come out about Roe v. Wade being overturned and Pro-Abortion advocates heads are spinning. Roe V. Wade was unconstitutional from the moment it was passed in the Supreme court in Texas in 1973. Norma McCovery was tricked into wanting to have an abortion. The woman who was referred to as Jane Wade thought about getting an abortion because she didn't want to have a baby at the time to who she referred to as a no-good husband. Sarah Weddington, the attorney of McCovery argued why Roe V. Wade should be legal. The court sided with McCovery's attorney and believing McCovery's initial feeling about abortion. 

Sarah Weddington pushed the abortion narrative and McCovery later on admitted that she was tricked into believing that abortion should be legalized. McCovery repented and asked God to forgive her. McCovery got saved and baptized in 1995 and became a big time Pro-Life advocated up until she passed away in 2017. Till this day, the media, Liberal Democrats, and RINOs will never reveal the truth about Roe V. Wade. Innocent babies are being murdered because women are tricked into believing that they have a right to choose to either have their unborn child or to abort it. My mom back in 1995 wrote a letter to then President Bill Clinton when he signed this abortion law that was passed in the House and Senate, and she said, "had your mother would have aborted you, you wouldn't be here." My mom told me that Bill Clinton wrote her back and he said that he was Pro-Life but believe that it's the women's right to choose. When a woman brings a child into this world whether married, single, or divorced, she has a right to life.  If that mother can't provide the things that her baby needs, then give it up for adoption to a family that can provide for the baby. 

Lastly, the leak about Roe V. Wade shouldn't be a shock to Pro-Abortion advocates because they knew that this was going to happen. To show outrage and protesting at this point have no merit. SCOTUS has the votes to overturn Roe V. Wade. The Supreme Court is a Conservative majority 6 Conservatives to 3 Liberals. No one really believes that it's ethical or moral to have an abortion. If that was the case none of us would be here if our mom's aborted us. That's all for today, check out more free speech on all topics blogs like this in future blogs. God Bless You!

Trying to get over the heated argument I had with my now deceased brother Troy

 For those of you who had brothers whether younger or older than you, us brothers argue, fight, and it may take 2 weeks-till a month for us ...