Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Not all teachers nor parents are for common core, critical race theory, or transgenderism


A good education is important and is vital in order to be successful in life. Common core, critical race theory, and transgenderism is what is being indoctrinated in the public school in failing inner city run by Democratic run Governors and Mayors in blue districts in red and blue states but especially in blue states.  None of these aforementioned was taught or heard of in public school when I was growing up in the 80's and 90's when I was in elementary and high school. The teachers and parent's relationship were much tighter back then, too. The public school system is dumbing down the education to the point where they have done away with cursive writing, done away with the 3 R's, (Reading, 'Riting, and 'Rithmetic) and nowadays changing the grades, where a student who don't do their homework assignment will automatically receive a 50 instead of a 0. https://www.wftv.com/news/local/teacher-fired-after-refusing-to-abide-by-no-zero-policy-when-students-didnt-hand-in-work/840999722/

It's sad why so much of taxpayer's money go to failing public school systems. If only our money was used "for good instead of evil." It's ashamed that the teachers and parents' relationship is viewed as nonexistent today. Parents are told that they have to accept what is being taught their children at the failing public school system that their child or children attend. Teachers are told they have to teach courses the liberal way in order to keep their job. What kind of garbage is going on in public schools where the only ones that have say-so is the superintendent and teachers' unions? The more I hear about how poorly Democratic run cities run their public schools you understand why more and more parents is taking their children out of public schools. Parents are sending their children to private school and even homeschooling their children.

Children who are homeschooled and graduate from being homeschooled are more likely to succeed than those who graduated from public schools. People think it's always about the environment a person come from, but it's also about their upbringing. Whether growing up in a single parent or both parents in the household, if the child or children is not being brought up right, their upbringing could be the causing because he or she turned out doing bad things. When the child becomes old enough to know what the difference is between right and wrong then it's up to him or her to be accountable for the things that they do, whether good or bad. It's so sad that the media try to make everything about race. Anyone, no matter their background has an equal opportunity to be successful. We all make choices whether good or bad it has nothing to do with skin color. Then why do the media try to quote stats like they're the facts. When we start fact-checking the media, then we will learn how way off and bias they are.

Lastly, I use a lot of anecdotes in my writing because it makes it easier to paint a picture or pictures. Common core, critical race theory, and transgenderism is what is destroying the public school system. When you elect a Governor or Mayor who is for the 3 aforementioned, then your city and state has to deal with it and live with it until the next election cycle. Even the Congressmen, Congresswomen, and Senators in the district in your state could affect how the public-school systems are with their voting record. Till next time be on the lookout for more free speech on all topics. God Bless You!

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