Saturday, July 9, 2022


I've been sharing this on every social media website that I'm on. Words can't describe how Helen Collins 80, was able to fly and land the airplane after her ill husband was dying. John Collins was not well the night they were flying in the air. The air traffic controller was giving Ms. Collins instructions while she was in the air on how to fly and land the plane safely. Ms. Collins mentioned she has experience being on an airplane, but this was her very first flight flying the plane. This woman showed poised, was calm, and relaxed. The woman had confidence to fly and land the plane with confidence.

It didn't mean that this woman wasn't afraid. What I mean by that is Ms. Collins knew that for the first time that Ms. Collins was going to have to be the pilot on the plane that she was riding. Ms. Collins son phoned her while she was in the plane, and he was worried about his mom flying the plane. Evidently, he didn't think that his mom should be traveling, let alone flying over the clouds in the sky. If you watch this 44-minute video, you will see the plane and hear the air traffic controller in the background. Ms. Collins said a few times while she was preparing to land the plane, "Do you have faith in me?"  Joshua 1:9 King James Version (KJV) "Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest."

Ms. Collins had enough faith to believe that she was going to fly and land that plane safely. The people who seemed to doubt her was her son and the air traffic controller. If they would have had enough faith to trust her that she will be fine, they would have been calm, poised, and relaxed just like Ms. Collins was. Ms. Collins landed the plane safely. Her husband unfortunately passed away and 3 years later Ms. Collins passed away in 2015. Ms. Collins lived and passed being known for being heroic. Well, the hero award goes to Ms. Collins for today. That is all for shared videos of heroes on free speech on all topics for today, till next time keep an eye out for more blogs like this. God Bless You!  

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