Monday, August 8, 2022

Meghan McCain Rails Against Arizona Republicans for Going 'Full Blown MAGA' in Primary Elections

Meghan McCain Rails Against Arizona

Republicans for Going 'Full Blown MAGA' in Primary Elections: The candidates endorsed by former President Donald Trump did very well in Arizona's Republican primary on Tuesday.

Meghan McCain is having a fit because MAGA Republicans won in Arizona primaries instead of the DC establishment Republicans. Ms. McCain is especially irate that MAGA Republican Kari Lake who President Trump endorsed for Republican Governor won her primary instead of Karrin Taylor Robson who Republican Governor Doug Ducey and who Mike Pence endorsed. Ms. McCain is painting Ms. Lake as a progressive who supported Obama, who is now all of a sudden, a Conservative. Ms. Lake let it be known that she was a registered Republican in 1980 at 18 and supported Ronald Reagan. Ms. Lake switched to an Independent when George Bush, Jr. took the US in that war in Iraq in 2006, Ms. Lake changed to a Democrat and was a Democrat from 2006-2012 because Ms. Lake didn't support the war in Iraq and felt that our country was heading on the brink of WWIII. Ms. Lake admitted to donating to Barack Obama's campaign in 2008 and only in 2008 when Obama ran in 2008. Ms. Lake in 2012 changed parties again and became a Republican again. Ms. Lake supported candidate Donald J. Trump for President and became MAGA in 2016 because Ms. Lake embraced & felt that our country is heading in the right direction.

Ms. McCain only likes people who don't say bad things about her father the late John McCain. Whether you are a Liberal, Conservative, or Moderate and you have good things to say about Ms. McCain's dad, then Ms. McCain is your pal.  The late Senator DC establishment Republican RINO & traitor John McCain was a never Trumper. The same Senator McCain in 2017 had a chance to kill Obamacare had given the thumbs down and voted to keep Obamacare in place. This is the same Senator McCain who said that Obamacare needed to be repealed & replaced along with other progressive Republicans like Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins, etc., who also said that Obamacare needed to be repealed & replaced. 

Ms. McCain your dad is not all good that the mainstream media, the RINOs, and you claim him to be. This is the same Senator McCain that threw his former VP pick in 2008 Sarah Palin under the bus when Senator McCain was running for President in 2008. Senator McCain was a weak candidate and when he punted on arguing Barrack Obama on the 3 Presidential debates, Sarah Palin is the only one that was on the attack about Obama's history with going to Communist William Ayers house and even getting political views from progressives. Ms. McCain, the only reason why Republicans even voted for your dad was because of Sarah Palin. It had nothing to do with Senator McCain's political views or even him being a war hero which there is a story that proves otherwise. It was because of his VP pick who probably should have run for President if Ms. Palin would have known that Senator McCain would have been so soft on Obama at the 3 debates. A woman was at Senator McCain's rally in Wisconsin in 2008 said, "Obama is Anti-America and he is Muslim." Your dad infamously said, "No ma'am, he is a Christian and a hardworking family man, who loves America. Him & I just don't agree on the issues." That right there made Senator McCain a hero to the left, the mainstream media, and RINOs. Ms. McCain below is the truth about the real late Senator John McCain. That is all for shared articles for free speech on all topics, till next time keep an eye out for more blogs like this. God Bless You!

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