Monday, June 5, 2023

My Testimony

 I used to act up so much in Sunday school in church at Full Gospel Interdenominational church in Downtown Manchester when I was about 5, that I would get sent to the church sanctuary. When I got home my mom would give me a good whipping about 5 times on the behind with either a belt or switch for acting up.  Mom never told anyone of us boys to get her a switch off a tree 🌴. Mom got a long switch and whenever she had to, she would use it when it was necessary to discipline us boys.

I remember this one particular time my mom whipped me good with her belt when I listened to a boy when he dared me to hit my Sunday school teacher and I remember when I was 5, sister Gloria was her name, and I remember when I hit her in her stomach. I can remember sister Gloria's face turned red. Sister Gloria grabbed me brought me in the church sanctuary and I knew that when I got home from church I was going to be in a lot of trouble 😵‍💫 with mom. Once my mom whipped with her belt, I knew never to do that ever again.

Well, I will never forget that Sunday night at church on June 5, 1983. Pastor Phillip Saunders asked how many people would like to give their life to Jesus Christ and be baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost and speaking in other tongues. So many hands was raised, it's hard to keep track of all the adults who raised their hands. However, this 5-year-old boy, who was shy, quiet, and bold raised his hand. 

Mom said, "Paul are you sure you're ready to get baptized?" 

I replied, "Yes ma."

Mom responded, "Paul, you are going to be all wet when you go under that water. Do you really want to do this?" 

I answered, "Ma, I'm ready to be saved." 

Mom didn't have to ask me a third time because she knew how serious I was about salvation. I was the only child that night, who had given his life to Jesus Christ! Wow 😲 I didn't have a story about being strung out on drugs, drinking alcohol or rededicating my life to Jesus Christ like those who were backslidden. I wasn't in my 20's, 30's, and 40's like the other people were when they wanted to get baptized. I didn't really need to let my story be like the other people's were. I let my story about being a little child, who Jesus loves and who wanted me to accept him as my Lord and Savior be my testimony. Now 40 years later, I still remember this experience as it happened for the very first time. The adults made sure that they watched Pastor Saunders when he baptized me in the water, where this wouldn't be a baptism that went wrong. They were prepared to catch me if I happened to drown under the water.

In recognition of me being the first child to have given his life to Jesus Christ on June 5, 1983, Pastor Saunders thought that it would be appropriate for everyone who got baptized to receive baptismal certificates. In 1985, the Full Gospel Interdenominational church mailed 📬 us our certificates and from 1985-present those who got baptized would receive 📨 certificates. There is more to come on my experiences I had at this church. I will journal, keep an eye out for more blogs like this. God Bless You! 

Baptismal Certificate 

Full Gospel Interdenominational Church Downtown Manchester, CT.

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