Monday, February 10, 2025

Trying to get over the heated argument I had with my now deceased brother Troy

 For those of you who had brothers whether younger or older than you, us brothers argue, fight, and it may take 2 weeks-till a month for us to start speaking to one another. Anyway it was December 15th 2023. I went to management in Newington to mail them a door key πŸ—️ and mailbox key. My brother Courtney had helped me moved the last of my stuff out of the 3 bedroom 2 bathroom to the dumpster in Bloomfield.

I became an East Hartford resident on November 9th 2023. I sent Troy a text message letting him know how he & Paula hurt me when me and our mom stayed with them in Orlando, FL in 1998, 2000, and 2003. The last time that I went to that part of Florida was in 2003 and was to go to my cousin Ebony's high school graduation. πŸŽ“ I didn't specifically go into the years that me and mom stayed with Troy and Paula but the episodes because I remember them very well.

Troy sent me a text saying something like this. "Paul I don't understand what you are saying. You need to just grow up and forgive me for the things that I said to you that offended you. This is the last time that I'm apologizing to you!" Troy then called me and had given me a scathing response but not before asking me how I was doing and if everything is good. I mainly listened to Troy tell me things like he doesn't remember everything that he said and that he doesn't make promises that he doesn't keep. My whole reason was to just address the issue about Troy belittling me saying things like, "If I ever get out on my own that I would fall flat on my face or I wouldn't leave home until I was forty." I mentioned to Troy that he said discouraging and encouraging things and that it was really tough to understand where he was coming from with his comments directed at me.

Troy took it upon himself to call me on the phone and come at me aggressively. That was the last straw for me. I read all of my one very long text to Troy to 3 co-workers and one to my mom's classmate from Capital Community College (these were all women) and they all said that I said nothing wrong nor was I aggressive at the text that I sent Troy. Troy ended the heated argument when I mentioned to Troy how Troy and our mom shut me down when I tried to tell him how I didn't like staying in Orlando in 2003 with Troy and Paula. Troy said these very words to me. "Paul you 're leaving it up to me if you want me to be your big brother and look out for you. Here is what I will do for you since you said that I shut you down. I don't have to call you, I don't have to write you, and I don't have to keep in touch with you!" 

I had had enough of Troy talking to me like I was his child or one of his dogs that Troy and Paula own. I simply said, "That is fine with me." After I got off the phone with Troy I blocked his number and didn't unblock Troy's number until after I learned that Troy passed on February 1st 2025. Courtney has reached out to me and asked if I want to go to Troy's funeral and I'm explaining to Courtney that this is going to take some serious getting over this. I had to call out sick Tuesday and Wednesday from work. I'm waiting to get my plated ID card in the mail because of the temporary paper copy that I'm forced to use until then. I recently transferred over my direct deposit from M&T bank to Nashville Post Office Credit Union and I'm awaiting if I'm eligible for an early as 2 days before the pay period type of direct deposit. 

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Trying to get over the heated argument I had with my now deceased brother Troy

 For those of you who had brothers whether younger or older than you, us brothers argue, fight, and it may take 2 weeks-till a month for us ...