Friday, August 9, 2024


WHO'S CHICKEN NOW?: Harris Accepts Only 1 Debate, Refuses To Commit To More Against Trump

We knew that Kamala Harris was afraid ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ๐Ÿ˜ณ to debate President Trump and here is proof ๐Ÿงพ of it. President Trump is not afraid and was never afraid to debate Ms. Harris. Ms. Harris only want to debate President Trump on ABC. The agreement ๐Ÿค was that President Trump would debate Joe Biden on FOX on September 4th. Never did it say if Joe Biden step down in his reelection bid for President that there would be changes in the agreement.

Ms. Harris must agree to do FOX on September 4th or no deal for ABC September 10th. If ABC continues on with a debate with Ms. Harris if President Trump is not on ABC, then FOX should continue holding their debate Town Hall style if Ms. Harris is not on FOX. Ms. Harris should step up and do the 3 debates with President Trump or vacate consideration as Democratic Nominee for President. Just My 2 Cents. That is all for shared articles on free speech ๐Ÿ’ฌ on all topics till next time keep an eye out for more blogs like this. God Bless You!

Monday, July 29, 2024

Political free speech on all topics Barack Obama


This political free speech on all topics will focus on the 8 years Barack Obama was in office. I'm going to tell the truth about Obama that the media will never tell you. Obama was a Senator from Chicago who decided to run for President in 2008. I'm going to give a little background info on Obama.

You probably didn't know that at one point that Barack Obama said that marriage was between one man and one woman. Obama flipped flopped ๐Ÿ™ƒ and said that he was for same-sex marriage. Obama was a below average student in school and falsely used Barry to apply for college. Barry as he referred himself to used a dead woman's Social Security number to get in a college which he didn't have the GPA to get into as Barack Obama. I believe they said Obama was a C- student.

Obama aligned himself with gays in bathhouses in school. What people didn't know about Obama was that he used to like white women and dated white girls in high school but different influences in Obama's life told him that if he wanted to have a political career that Obama was going to have to date women and marry a woman inside his race. Obama broke off the relationships that he had with white girlfriends because of it. 

Obama's father was black and married his mom who was white. Obama's mom denied her race and that was why she married a black man. Obama hung around William Ayers who was a socialist therefore adopting Ayers socialist views. Obama illegally came from Kenya to Hawaii and Obama is Muslim and champions the Muslim Brotherhood.

Meanwhile, this unknown wildcard Senator Obama would go up against Hillary Clinton a frontrunner to be the Democratic nominee for President. Hillary Clinton threw barrage of attacks at Obama and started the whole Birther thing saying Obama was not legally in the US. Obama despite being attacked, he was calm and was on the defense. No one thought wildcard Obama had a chance against frontrunner Clinton. With that being said, the DNC already decided to go with Obama as their Democratic nominee for President in 2008 and after an aggressive Clinton loss in states that she was favored to win in, Hillary finally conceded to Obama.

The DNC felt that Obama who they referred to as the first black man who would be elected the 44th President of the United States to run the country and fundamentally transform the US. Bill Clinton negotiated with Obama and said, "You put my wife in your cabinet and I will help elect you to be the 44th President. If you don't then I won't help you." A weak and "yes" man Obama agreed and appointed Hillary Clinton to be Secretary of State.

When John McCain became the Republican nominee in 2008 and Mitt Romney became the Republican nominee in 2012 they wasn't smart enough to investigate illegals voting in the US Presidential Election in 2008 and 2012. Bill Clinton was helping Obama with his speeches and Obama was promising illegals Obama Phones and food stamps if they voted for him. Were there voter fraud ๐Ÿคฅ in 2008 election and 2012 election we will never know. However, the fact that there were illegals voting should have been enough to challenge the results of the 2008 and 2012 US Presidential Election.

Meanwhile, during the Obama years we went through a recession in his first term as President. The stock market crashed and many people were laid off from their good paying full-time jobs. People were forced to get 2 and even 3 part-time jobs. The economy was bad ๐Ÿ˜ž and we only had a job growth of 1.2%. What was worse than our country being divided, Black Lives Matter and Antifa formed. By Obama's second term Isis grew and an emerging US ally the Kurds fought along side us against countries that fought with us narrowly avoiding WWIII.

Obama hated America and wanted the voters to know that he supported Anti-American enemies. Obama ticked off our allies which caused us to have strained relationships with our Allies at best. With the help of Bill Clinton and Obama's administration he became the worst President after leaving office in 2017. That is all for political free speech on all topics till next time keep an eye out for more blogs like this. God Bless You!

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Political free speech on all topics

 Today I am going to talk about President Trump, Kimberly Cheatle, and Joe Biden on this political free speech on all topics. People need to understand that everything has been politicized from the mainstream media, Dems, RINOS, etc.

Last Saturday President Trump gave a rally trying to unify our country in Butler, PA. Then a shooter who was about 550 feet away from where the rally was went on top of a roof. Secret Service reacted after about 4 gunshots, Secret Service killed the shooter that tried to assassinate President Trump. The gunshots grazed President Trump's ear and face just missing President Trump's head. President Trump ducked in the nick of time. President Trump got up with his fist ✊ raised unifying the country. All over the ๐ŸŒŽ world saw an impact that that had. President Trump showed what a true leader and a real President does.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden who I refer to a lot as Fake ๐Ÿคฅ President is not my President and I will never refer to anyone who steal an election like Biden did in the 2020 US Presidential Election as President. Biden is a fraud. The mainstream media finally realized that Biden's gaffes are real. Biden has 4th stage dementia that the Dems, RINOS, and the mainstream media has been ignoring since Biden first announced that he was running for President in 2019. Biden has singlehandedly with the help of his administration put our beautiful country in the gutter. Now even a growing number of Dems are calling for Joe Biden to step down and not seek his reelection bid for President.

Lastly, the Director of Secret Service Kimberly Cheatle who admitted she didn't do the right thing to prevent an attempted assassination of President Trump refuses to resign. There are protests because the crooked CIA and SS were all in on trying to take President Trump out. The CIA, SS, and FBI is so tainted that no one believes it will properly investigate anything. It is corrupt just like the Biden administration. I think that Ms. Cheatle and all that were involved with the plan to take President Trump out should testify under oath, get fired from their positions, and serve the maximum of 75 years in jail. Just My 2 Cents. That is all for political free speech on all topics till next time keep an eye out for more blogs like these. God Bless You!

Monday, July 8, 2024

15-year-old teenager body slams 68-year-old grandma

15-year-old teenager and his friends have a party blasting music at the pool party in Fort Lauderdale, FL. 68-year-old grandma just tells the teenager to turn down the music because it's too loud. Teenager body slams 68-year-old grandma and began to drag her and tosses her in the pool. The grandma was humiliated while the teenager friends cheered. This kind of thing is disturbing. No one came to the aide of or tried to help the grandma.

I believe that the woman had to have hip and leg surgery. The teenage boy's mom was the only sincere one when she apologized on behalf of the teenager's action. The boy was looking down on his written statement with a non-sincere apology. The 68-year-old grandma let the teenager off with 200 hours of community service and some AM-PM curfew on school days. The grandma felt that it was cruel and inhumane with what the teenager did to her. 

The grandma felt that video footage will follow the teenager for the rest of his life. He is a promising teenager with a bright future and accepted the judge's sentence of 200 hours of community service and AM-PM curfew on school days. In my opinion the teenager should have served 6 months- 12 months jail time. The grandma is not only old enough to be his grandma but she is a senior citizen, too.

I felt that the punishment didn't fit the crime in this case. The only thing the teenager learned is that community service will wipe away all of the cruel and inhumane things that you do. The teenager got a "pat on the back" in other words, "don't do it again" type of punishment. 15-years-olds do some dumb things but never to the point like what that 15-year-old teenager did. The grandma felt he should have had a lenient punishment and another chance because it was his first offense. 

Y'all can weigh in and comment and say if the punishment was fair, unfair, or if the teenager should have gotten a more harsher punishment. Well, that's all for shared videos on free speech on all topics, till next time keep an eye out for more blogs like this. God Bless You!

Monday, July 1, 2024

Missed my ✈️ flight

 Well, I overslept and missed my flight ✈️. It is a $45 change of flight fee. I'm not upset at all. I was prepared just in case I had to call out from my job. I couldn't imagine any other city ๐Ÿ™️ or state that I would rather spend another day in. The great ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ‘ state of Tennessee with their southern hospitality and their great home cooked food and delicious ๐Ÿ˜‹ sweet tea.

Yesterday I went to The Waffle ๐Ÿง‡ House. Marie was there along with her co-workers and a lot of customers were there including myself. Marie didn't wait on me, it was her co-worker KyKy who waited on me. I saw how busy Marie was waiting on a party of 4. The young man Marie trained on Wednesday really did a fantastic job calling out the order and Marie was proud ๐Ÿฅฒ of him and told him how great a job that the young man was doing.

Meanwhile, Marie wasn't at the Waffle House on Saturday so Shelby Rae waited on me Saturday. When I left, something told me to write ✍️ on a sticky note my name ๐Ÿ“› and phone ๐Ÿ“ฑ number on the name of the hotel ๐Ÿจ that I'm staying at. I felt that Marie was going to be there. Marie had a 14 hour day yesterday because it's her busiest day working on Sunday. I had a chance to talk to Marie when she came near my area. Before I left, I told Marie, "Marie I wanted to give you this" so I gave Marie the sticky note with my name and number and told Marie, "Marie this is my contact number to reach me if you want to keep in touch with me." She calls me friend but when I left, she said "Talk to you soon Paul." I said, "Talk to you soon Marie."

Considering how busy it was yesterday at The Waffle ๐Ÿง‡ House I decided it was best if Marie had my number. Here is why, I didn't want to put Marie on the spot by asking her for her number and I don't live in TN, I'm from Hartford. She would have felt awkward because she wouldn't have known my name if I would have asked for her number and let's say Marie gave me her number, it would have been like this for me, "you're not even from Nashville and you're asking a woman that you like who don't even know you like that for her phone number." I was putting Marie's feelings ahead of mine by not asking her for her number. No woman should feel put on the spot like that and that is why I did this the way that I did.

For people who don't think ๐Ÿค” us guys never give out our numbers to girls that we like, we do, it's just you rarely hear ๐Ÿ™‰ about it. You normally hear about girls who give out their numbers to guys that they like. I plan on coming back to Nashville for Thanksgiving. ๐Ÿฆƒ God Bless You!

Thursday, June 27, 2024

First time visiting Downtown Nashville


I went Downtown Nashville for the very first time. I went to Nissan Stadium ๐ŸŸ️ to check out where the Tennessee Titans play and took pics. Then I walked across the bridge ๐ŸŒ‰ near the Stadium until I got to the heart ❤️ of Downtown Broadway and got me some good grub at a restaurant called Sun Diner. The food was delicious! ๐Ÿ˜‹ I had chopped up ribs, hash browns, scrambled eggs with cheese and cooked onions, fresh fruit, and three servings of sweet tea.

 Downtown Nashville in Broadway sideways are narrow and it's a very busy street. The sweet woman waitress who waited on me name ๐Ÿ“› was Mariana at the restaurant that I ate at. In Downtown Nashville, people are walking, jogging, riding their bikes ๐Ÿšฒ, and riding the green scooters. ๐Ÿ›ด Downtown Nashville is nice during the day to come to. I heard country hits from Johnny Cash, Elvis Presley, and Patsy Cline. Johnny Cash Bar & BBQ were near a lot of restaurants in Broadway. I will have to plan another day to come back the next time I'm in town to come to Downtown Nashville.

I enjoyed The Waffle ๐Ÿง‡ House yesterday. I met a woman waitress who calls me friend back in March when I went there a couple of times when I first flew to Nashville, her name ๐Ÿ“› is Marie. Marie reminds a little of Tiffany back home. Marie likes waiting on me at The Waffle House like Tiffany did at Hall of Fame Lanes. Marie's job doesn't consume her. Marie was training a young man who just got hired at The Waffle House who looked to be no older than twenty. I had a chance to tell Marie about me trying to transfer to the Nashville Post Office on Royal Parkway. Marie likes the way I tip. It's not hard to get a big tip from me. If the service is good ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜Š and the waiter or waitress is friendly I'm going to leave a big tip like I did at the restaurant in Broadway.

Lastly, I'm going to try to go to the ๐ŸŽข amusement park, bowling ๐ŸŽณ, the mall, The Cheesecake factory ๐Ÿญ etc, the rest of my 4-day stay here in Nashville. I will keep y'all updated if I hear anything from the Nashville post office. God Bless You!

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Back in Nashville


I decided to take a vacation and come back to Nashville, TN. This time this is for relaxation and vacation. I have a little over 4 weeks of Annual Leave (AL) and normally carry over 30-40 hours of AL a year till I get issued another AL batch after building up AL every pay period. I needed a break from my job at the Post Office plant in Hartford that I work at and took some time off and even including my Non-Schedule days as well as my Scheduled days for this vacation.

I reapplied for a transfer at the Nashville post office after the 8 months process and being denied to transfer in a letter ✉️ May 10, 2024 that I put in for September 3, 2023. I was home with my mom at the time taking care of her while she was still living up till she passed. I learned how the transfer process works when you are trying to transfer. That's why June 1, 2024 I put in another transfer at the Nashville Post Office. 

I flew into Nashville today and it was about 9:30 AM Central Standard Time. I plan to get out during my 5 day stay here and perhaps go Downtown and even check out Nissan Stadium ๐ŸŸ️ in Downtown Nashville. The locals here have been really helpful and made this like a second home to me. I'm a Tennessee Titans fan as well as a Tampa Bay Buccaneers fan.

I'm here at La Quinta Inn & Suites by Wyndham and thought ๐Ÿค” that I would take some pics. There are more pics and blogs to come. I just want to relax and get a bite to eat which will likely be at the Waffle ๐Ÿง‡ House. Feel free to comment and suggest maybe other things to me to do here in Nashville and I will take your suggestions and opinions in consideration. Thank you and God Bless You!


WHO'S CHICKEN NOW? : Harris Accepts Only 1 Debate, Refuses To Commit To More Against Trump We knew that Kamala Harris was afraid ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ๐Ÿ˜ณ to...